Drone Roof Survey
At Master Property Care, we provide a comprehensive roof inspection service using the latest equipment and technology. Our drone roof surveys allow us to offer a detailed aerial inspection of your roof/building structure safely that other inspections would not be able to reach or report on.
Using a drone to perform preliminary inspections makes our work safer for our personnel and more efficient for our customers. Delivering a safe programmed flight path, our specialists can systematically review, highlight and question all critical aspects of the building and roof structure in a controlled environment.
Combining pilot expertise with roofing technicians skills is invaluable when inspecting roofs that are fragile, landlocked or come with extreme access challenges. Our drone operators are fully trained to pilot our drones to complete legal and CAA (Civilian Aviation Authority) guidelines. Equipment is routinely tested, thoroughly checked before flight commences, and a full risk assessment is carried out before any aerial inspection begins. With recording equipment installed on each drone, we can generate a full report with HD video and high-resolution photographic records of the inspection. We can view your roof's condition remotely, take measurements and report back to you on the current condition and any remedial works needed.
+44 (0) 20 809 50440
Email: info@masterpropertycare.com
We are David and Jake Masteran, and we are delighted to welcome you to Master Property Care Ltd (MPC). Our mission is to offer unique, specialised and reliable Property Maintenance in Central, and Greater London.
Working in the Property Maintenance industry for many years, we have offered our services to our local communities to help landlords and managing agents to maintain their property's Rainwater Drainage Systems, dealing with the adverse issues arising from water penetration inside their properties.
All too many times, we came across tenants who were experiencing cases of extreme damp and mould, causing them distress, frustration and, worst of all,issues with their health. We could also identify with their frustrations, because we had both been in their situation in the past. We were so dismayed to see what these people were having to deal with, as we knew that the issues could so easily be avoided, if the root cause of the problem was dealt with.
Landlords were having surveys carried out, then bringing in contractors to deal with the reported damages, but the problems were constantly reoccurring, because the repairs were not addressing the root cause. We knew this was the case because the traditional methods used to carry out the surveys could not possibly identify all of the damages, or issues that were actually causing the problems in the first place.
So, to help rectify these problems... we formed Master Property Care Ltd, and to start off, we decided to use a much more reliable method of carrying out our surveys - DRONES.
After seeing, and experiencing, the health and distress caused by water damage, and the costly renovations that could have been avoided, our mission is to;
OFFER RELIABLE SURVEYS - Use drones to survey the roof and Rainwater Drainage System (RWDS), ensuring that every problem is picked up and dealt with before it turns into a major issue
ADDRESS THE ROOT CAUSE - Help landlords and managing agents to provide better living conditions for their tenants and increase interest in the rental or saleability of their properties
SAVE OUR CUSTOMERS MONEY - Save landlords, managing agents, and residents future costly renovations due to issues with the RWDS that have not been addressed properly
PROACTIVELY DEAL WITH DAMAGES - Use Planned Preventative Maintenance to ensure any future issues arising are dealt with straight away, saving money for our customers
Our services include;
Drone Surveys of the Roof and Rainwater Drainage System (RWDS)
Detailed Inspection Reports and Post-Maintenance Reports, with supporting photos and video evidence
Repairs and Maintenance of the RWDS
Planned Preventative Maintenance program
General Property Maintenance such as Waste Removal, Handyman Services, Plumbing etc. CLICK HERE to see a full list of our services.
Please browse our website and get in touch if we can answer any questions, or arrange a FREE, no obligation quote.
Best Regards
David & Jake